Data Privacy
Lexpertise provides comprehensive legal services in the area of data privacy. Our team of experienced lawyers has a deep understanding of data privacy laws and regulations and can help clients navigate this complex and evolving area of law.
We assist clients in complying with data privacy laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Thailand Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), by advising on data privacy policies, drafting and negotiating data privacy agreements, and representing clients in privacy-related disputes.
We also advise clients on the legal implications of data collection, use, and storage, and help them develop strategies for protecting sensitive information and ensuring the security of their data. Whether it's negotiating data privacy provisions in commercial agreements, providing counsel on privacy compliance, or representing clients in privacy-related disputes, we have the expertise and experience to provide effective and efficient legal solutions in this area.
At Lexperise, we understand the importance of protecting clients' sensitive information and are committed to providing high-quality legal services that help clients navigate the complex data privacy landscape and achieve their business objectives in a responsible and secure manner.
Legal service
Service with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Service with Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)
Representing clients in privacy-related disputes
Build confidence for your business in data management.